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keep() -> ExprT

Keep the original root name of the expression.


Type Description

A new expression.


This will undo any previous renaming operations on the expression. Due to implementation constraints, this method can only be called as the last expression in a chain. Only one name operation per expression will work.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoFrame
>>> data = {"foo": [1, 2], "BAR": [4, 5]}
>>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pl = pl.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pa = pa.table(data)

We define a dataframe-agnostic function:

>>> def agnostic_name_keep(df_native: IntoFrame) -> list[str]:
...     df = nw.from_native(df_native)
...     return
...         nw.col("foo").alias("alias_for_foo").name.keep()
...     ).columns

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_name_keep:

>>> agnostic_name_keep(df_pd)
>>> agnostic_name_keep(df_pl)
>>> agnostic_name_keep(df_pa)

map(function: Callable[[str], str]) -> ExprT

Rename the output of an expression by mapping a function over the root name.


Name Type Description Default
function Callable[[str], str]

Function that maps a root name to a new name.



Type Description

A new expression.


This will undo any previous renaming operations on the expression. Due to implementation constraints, this method can only be called as the last expression in a chain. Only one name operation per expression will work.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoFrame
>>> data = {"foo": [1, 2], "BAR": [4, 5]}
>>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pl = pl.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pa = pa.table(data)

We define a dataframe-agnostic function:

>>> renaming_func = lambda s: s[::-1]  # reverse column name
>>> def agnostic_name_map(df_native: IntoFrame) -> list[str]:
...     df = nw.from_native(df_native)
...     return"foo", "BAR")

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_name_map:

>>> agnostic_name_map(df_pd)
['oof', 'RAB']
>>> agnostic_name_map(df_pl)
['oof', 'RAB']
>>> agnostic_name_map(df_pa)
['oof', 'RAB']

prefix(prefix: str) -> ExprT

Add a prefix to the root column name of the expression.


Name Type Description Default
prefix str

Prefix to add to the root column name.



Type Description

A new expression.


This will undo any previous renaming operations on the expression. Due to implementation constraints, this method can only be called as the last expression in a chain. Only one name operation per expression will work.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoFrame
>>> data = {"foo": [1, 2], "BAR": [4, 5]}
>>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pl = pl.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pa = pa.table(data)

We define a dataframe-agnostic function:

>>> def agnostic_name_prefix(df_native: IntoFrame, prefix: str) -> list[str]:
...     df = nw.from_native(df_native)
...     return"foo", "BAR").name.prefix(prefix)).columns

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_name_prefix:

>>> agnostic_name_prefix(df_pd, "with_prefix_")
['with_prefix_foo', 'with_prefix_BAR']
>>> agnostic_name_prefix(df_pl, "with_prefix_")
['with_prefix_foo', 'with_prefix_BAR']
>>> agnostic_name_prefix(df_pa, "with_prefix_")
['with_prefix_foo', 'with_prefix_BAR']

suffix(suffix: str) -> ExprT

Add a suffix to the root column name of the expression.


Name Type Description Default
suffix str

Suffix to add to the root column name.



Type Description

A new expression.


This will undo any previous renaming operations on the expression. Due to implementation constraints, this method can only be called as the last expression in a chain. Only one name operation per expression will work.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoFrame
>>> data = {"foo": [1, 2], "BAR": [4, 5]}
>>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pl = pl.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pa = pa.table(data)

We define a dataframe-agnostic function:

>>> def agnostic_name_suffix(df_native: IntoFrame, suffix: str) -> list[str]:
...     df = nw.from_native(df_native)
...     return"foo", "BAR").name.suffix(suffix)).columns

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_name_suffix:

>>> agnostic_name_suffix(df_pd, "_with_suffix")
['foo_with_suffix', 'BAR_with_suffix']
>>> agnostic_name_suffix(df_pl, "_with_suffix")
['foo_with_suffix', 'BAR_with_suffix']
>>> agnostic_name_suffix(df_pa, "_with_suffix")
['foo_with_suffix', 'BAR_with_suffix']

to_lowercase() -> ExprT

Make the root column name lowercase.


Type Description

A new expression.


This will undo any previous renaming operations on the expression. Due to implementation constraints, this method can only be called as the last expression in a chain. Only one name operation per expression will work.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoFrame
>>> data = {"foo": [1, 2], "BAR": [4, 5]}
>>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pl = pl.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pa = pa.table(data)

We define a dataframe-agnostic function:

>>> def agnostic_name_to_lowercase(df_native: IntoFrame) -> list[str]:
...     df = nw.from_native(df_native)
...     return"foo", "BAR").name.to_lowercase()).columns

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_name_to_lowercase:

>>> agnostic_name_to_lowercase(df_pd)
['foo', 'bar']
>>> agnostic_name_to_lowercase(df_pl)
['foo', 'bar']
>>> agnostic_name_to_lowercase(df_pa)
['foo', 'bar']

to_uppercase() -> ExprT

Make the root column name uppercase.


Type Description

A new expression.


This will undo any previous renaming operations on the expression. Due to implementation constraints, this method can only be called as the last expression in a chain. Only one name operation per expression will work.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoFrame
>>> data = {"foo": [1, 2], "BAR": [4, 5]}
>>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pl = pl.DataFrame(data)
>>> df_pa = pa.table(data)

We define a dataframe-agnostic function:

>>> def agnostic_name_to_uppercase(df_native: IntoFrame) -> list[str]:
...     df = nw.from_native(df_native)
...     return"foo", "BAR").name.to_uppercase()).columns

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_name_to_uppercase:

>>> agnostic_name_to_uppercase(df_pd)
['FOO', 'BAR']
>>> agnostic_name_to_uppercase(df_pl)
['FOO', 'BAR']
>>> agnostic_name_to_uppercase(df_pa)
['FOO', 'BAR']