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get_categories() -> SeriesT

Get unique categories from column.


Type Description

A new Series containing the unique categories.


Let's create some series:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import narwhals as nw
>>> from narwhals.typing import IntoSeriesT
>>> data = ["apple", "mango", "mango"]
>>> s_pd = pd.Series(data, dtype="category")
>>> s_pl = pl.Series(data, dtype=pl.Categorical)
>>> s_pa = pa.chunked_array([data]).dictionary_encode()

We define a dataframe-agnostic function to get unique categories from column 'fruits':

>>> def agnostic_get_categories(s_native: IntoSeriesT) -> IntoSeriesT:
...     s = nw.from_native(s_native, series_only=True)
...     return

We can then pass any supported library such as pandas, Polars, or PyArrow to agnostic_get_categories:

>>> agnostic_get_categories(s_pd)
0    apple
1    mango
dtype: object
>>> agnostic_get_categories(s_pl)
shape: (2,)
Series: '' [str]
>>> agnostic_get_categories(s_pa)
<pyarrow.lib.ChunkedArray object at ...>