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Perfect backwards compatibility policy

Narwhals is primarily aimed at library maintainers rather than end users. As such, we need to take stability and backwards compatibility extra-seriously. Our policy is:

  • If you write code using import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw, then we promise to never change or remove any public function you're using.
  • If we need to make a backwards-incompatible change, it will be pushed into narwhals.stable.v2, leaving narwhals.stable.v1 unaffected.
  • We will maintain narwhals.stable.v1 indefinitely, even as narwhals.stable.v2 and other stable APIs come out. For example, Narwhals version 1.0.0 will offer narwhals.stable.v1, whereas Narwhals 2.0.0 will offer both narwhals.stable.v1 and narwhals.stable.v2.

Like this, we enable different packages to be on different Narwhals stable APIs, and for end-users to use all of them in the same project without conflicts nor incompatibilities.


Ever upgraded a package, only to find that it breaks all your tests because of an intentional API change? Did you end up having to litter your code with statements such as the following?

if parse_version(pdx.__version__) < parse_version("1.3.0"):
    df = df.brewbeer()
elif parse_version("1.3.0") <= parse_version(pdx.__version__) < parse_version("1.5.0"):
    df = df.brew_beer()
    df = df.brew_drink("beer")

Now imagine multiplying that complexity over all the dataframe libraries you want to support...

Narwhals offers a simple solution, inspired by Rust editions.

Narwhals' Stable API

Narwhals implements a subset of the Polars API. What will Narwhals do if/when Polars makes a backwards-incompatible change? Would you need to update your Narwhals code?

To understand the solution, let's go through an example. Suppose that, hypothetically, in Polars 2.0, polars.Expr.cum_sum was renamed to polars.Expr.cumulative_sum. In Narwhals, we have narwhals.Expr.cum_sum. Does this mean that Narwhals will also rename its method, and deprecate the old one? The answer!

Narwhals offers a stable namespace, which allows you to write your code once and forget about it. That is to say, if you write your code like this:

import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw
from narwhals.typing import IntoFrameT

def func(df: IntoFrameT) -> IntoFrameT:
    return nw.from_native(df).with_columns(nw.col("a").cum_sum()).to_native()
import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw
from narwhals.typing import FrameT

def func(df: FrameT) -> FrameT:
    return df.with_columns(nw.col("a").cum_sum())

then we, in Narwhals, promise that your code will keep working, even in newer versions of Polars after they have renamed their method.

Concretely, we would do the following:

  • narwhals.stable.v1: you can keep using Expr.cum_sum
  • narwhals.stable.v2: you can only use Expr.cumulative_sum, Expr.cum_sum will have been removed
  • narwhals: you can only use Expr.cumulative_sum, Expr.cum_sum will have been removed

So, although Narwhals' main API (and narwhals.stable.v2) will have introduced a breaking change, users of narwhals.stable.v1 will have their code unaffected.

import narwhals as nw or import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw?

Which should you use? In general we recommend:

  • When prototyping, use import narwhals as nw, so you can iterate quickly.
  • Once you're happy with what you've got and want to release something production-ready and stable, then switch out your import narwhals as nw usage for import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw.


Are we really promising perfect backwards compatibility in all cases, without exceptions? Not quite. There are some exceptions, which we'll now list. But we'll never intentionally break your code. Anything currently in narwhals.stable.v1 will not be changed or removed in future Narwhals versions.

Here are exceptions to our backwards compatibility policy:

  • Unambiguous bugs. If a function contains what is unambiguously a bug, then we'll fix it, without considering that to be a breaking change.
  • Radical changes in backends. Suppose that Polars was to remove expressions, or pandas were to remove support for categorical data. At that point, we might need to rethink Narwhals. However, we expect such radical changes to be exceedingly unlikely.
  • We may consider making some type hints more precise.
  • Anything labelled "unstable".

In general, decision are driven by use-cases, and we conduct a search of public GitHub repositories before making any change.

Breaking changes carried out so far

After stable.v1

The following are differences between the main Narwhals namespace and narwhals.stable.v1:

  • Since Narwhals 1.29.0, LazyFrame.gather_every has been deprecated from the main namespace.

  • Since Narwhals 1.24.1, an empty or all-null object-dtype pandas Series is inferred to be of dtype String. Previously, it would have been inferred as Object.

  • Since Narwhals 1.23:

    • Passing an ibis.Table to from_native returns a LazyFrame. In narwhals.stable.v1, it returns a DataFrame with level='interchange'.
    • eager_or_interchange_only has been removed from from_native and narwhalify.
    • Order-dependent expressions can no longer be used with narwhals.LazyFrame.
    • The following expressions have been deprecated from the main namespace: Expr.head, Expr.tail, Expr.gather_every, Expr.sample, Expr.arg_true, Expr.sort.
  • Since Narwhals 1.21, passing a DuckDBPyRelation to from_native returns a LazyFrame. In narwhals.stable.v1, it returns a DataFrame with level='interchange'.

  • Since Narwhals 1.15, Series is generic in the native Series, meaning that you can write:

    import narwhals as nw
    import polars as pl
    s_pl = pl.Series([1, 2, 3])
    s = nw.from_native(s, series_only=True)
    # mypy infers `s.to_native()` to be `polars.Series`
    Previously, Series was not generic, so in the above example s.to_native() would have been inferred as Any.

  • Since Narwhals 1.13.0, the strict parameter in from_native, to_native, and narwhalify has been deprecated in favour of pass_through. This is because several users expressed confusion/surprise over what strict=False did.

    # v1 syntax:
    nw.from_native(df, strict=False)
    # main namespace (and, when we get there, v2) syntax:
    nw.from_native(df, pass_through=True)
    If you are using Narwhals>=1.13.0, then we recommend using pass_through, as that works consistently across namespaces.

    In the future:

    • in the main Narwhals namespace, strict will be removed in favour of pass_through
    • in stable.v1, we will keep both strict and pass_through
  • Since Narwhals 1.9.0, Datetime and Duration dtypes hash using both time_unit and time_zone. The effect of this can be seen when placing these dtypes in sets:

    import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw_v1
    import narwhals as nw
    # v1 behaviour:
    assert nw_v1.Datetime("us") in {nw_v1.Datetime}
    # main namespace (and, when we get there, v2) behaviour:
    assert nw.Datetime("us") not in {nw.Datetime}
    assert nw.Datetime("us") in {nw.Datetime("us")}

    To check if a dtype is a datetime (regardless of time_unit or time_zone) we recommend using == instead, as that works consistently across namespaces:

    # Recommended
    assert nw.Datetime("us") == nw.Datetime
    assert nw_v1.Datetime("us") == nw_v1.Datetime