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Related projects

Dataframe Interchange Protocol

Standardised way of interchanging data between libraries, see here.

DataFrame API Standard

Now-discontinued project which aimed to "provide a standard interface that encapsulates implementation details of dataframe libraries. This will allow users and third-party libraries to write code that interacts and operates with a standard dataframe, and not with specific implementations.", see here.

The Narwhals author was originally involved, but left due to irreconcilable differences in vision.

Some notable difference are:

  • Narwhals just uses a subset of the Polars API, whereas the dataframe standard introduces a new API
  • Narwhals supports expressions, and separates lazy and eager execution
  • Narwhals is a standalone, independent project, whereas the dataframe standard aims to be upstreamed and implemented by major dataframe libraries.


Presents itself as a dataframe standard, and dispatches to 20+ backends. Some differences with Narwhals are:

  • Narwhals is aimed at library maintainers, Ibis more to end users
  • Narwhals has zero required dependencies, whereas Ibis requires pandas and PyArrow. For users starting from non-pandas environments, the difference in the relative size increase is ~1000x
  • Narwhals only supports 4 backends, Ibis more than 20
  • Narwhals is focused on fundamental dataframe operations, Ibis on SQL backends
  • Narwhals has negligible overhead for dataframe backends, while Ibis' overhead can be significant

The projects are not in competition and have different goals.

Array API

Array counterpart to the DataFrame API, see here.