Sponsors and institutional partners
Narwhals is 100% independent, community-driven, and community-owned. We are extremely grateful to the following organisations for having provided some funding / development time:
If you contribute to Narwhals on your organization's time, please let us know. We'd be happy to add your employer to this list!
Appears on
Narwhals has been featured in several talks, podcasts, and blog posts:
Talk Python to me Podcast Ahoy, Narwhals are bridging the data science APIs
Python Bytes Podcast Episode 402, topic #2
Super Data Science: ML & AI Podcast
Narwhals: For Pandas-to-Polars DataFrame Compatibility -
Sample Space Podcast | probabl
How Narwhals has many end users ... that never use it directly. - Marco Gorelli -
The Real Python Podcast Narwhals: Expanding DataFrame Compatibility Between Libraries
Pycon Lithuania
Marco Gorelli - DataFrame interoperatiblity - what's been achieved, and what comes next? -
Pycon Italy
How you can write a dataframe-agnostic library - Marco Gorelli -
Polars Blog Post
Polars has a new lightweight plotting backend -
Quansight Labs blog post (w/ Scikit-Lego)
How Narwhals and scikit-lego came together to achieve dataframe-agnosticism