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How it works


You might think that Narwhals runs on underwater unicorn magic. However, this section exists to reassure you that there's no such thing. There's only one rule you need to understand in order to make sense of Narwhals:

An expression is a function from a DataFrame to a sequence of Series.

For example, nw.col('a') means "given a dataframe df, give me the Series 'a' from df". Translating this to pandas syntax, we get:

def col_a(df):
    return [df.loc[:, "a"]]

Let's step up the complexity. How about nw.col('a')+1? We already know what the nw.col('a') part looks like, so we just need to add 1 to each of its outputs:

def col_a(df):
    return [df.loc[:, "a"]]

def col_a_plus_1(df):
    return [x + 1 for x in col_a(df)]

Expressions can return multiple Series - for example, nw.col('a', 'b') translates to:

def col_a_b(df):
    return [df.loc[:, "a"], df.loc[:, "b"]]

Expressions can also take multiple columns as input - for example, nw.sum_horizontal('a', 'b') translates to:

def sum_horizontal_a_b(df):
    return [df.loc[:, "a"] + df.loc[:, "b"]]

Note that although an expression may have multiple columns as input, those columns must all have been derived from the same dataframe. This last sentence was quite important, you might want to re-read it to make sure it sunk in.

By itself, an expression doesn't produce a value. It only produces a value once you give it to a DataFrame context. What happens to the value(s) it produces depends on which context you hand it to:

  • produce a DataFrame with only the result of the given expression
  • DataFrame.with_columns: produce a DataFrame like the current one, but also with the result of the given expression
  • DataFrame.filter: evaluate the given expression, and if it only returns a single Series, then only keep rows where the result is True.

Now let's turn our attention to the implementation.

pandas implementation

The pandas namespace (pd) isn't Narwhals-compliant, as the pandas API is very different from Polars'. So...Narwhals implements a PandasLikeNamespace, which includes the top-level Polars functions included in the Narwhals API:

import pandas as pd
import narwhals as nw
from narwhals._pandas_like.namespace import PandasLikeNamespace
from narwhals._pandas_like.utils import Implementation
from narwhals.utils import parse_version, Version

pn = PandasLikeNamespace(
PandasLikeExpr(depth=0, function_name=col, )
The result from the last line above is the same as we'd get from pn.col('a'), and it's a narwhals._pandas_like.expr.PandasLikeExpr object, which we'll call PandasLikeExpr for short.

PandasLikeExpr has a _call method which expects a PandasLikeDataFrame as input. Recall from above that an expression is a function from a dataframe to a sequence of series. The _call method gives us that function! Let's see it in action.

Note: the following examples use PandasLikeDataFrame and PandasLikeSeries. These are backed by actual pandas.DataFrames and pandas.Series respectively and are Narwhals-compliant. We can access the underlying pandas objects via PandasLikeDataFrame._native_frame and PandasLikeSeries._native_series.

import narwhals as nw
from narwhals._pandas_like.namespace import PandasLikeNamespace
from narwhals._pandas_like.utils import Implementation
from narwhals._pandas_like.dataframe import PandasLikeDataFrame
from narwhals.utils import parse_version, Version
import pandas as pd

pn = PandasLikeNamespace(

df_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})
df = PandasLikeDataFrame(
expression = pn.col("a") + 1
result = expression._call(df)
print(f"length of result: {len(result)}\n")
print("native series of first value of result: ")
print([x._native_series for x in result][0])
length of result: 1

native series of first value of result: 
0    2
1    3
2    4
Name: a, dtype: int64

So indeed, our expression did what it said on the tin - it took some dataframe, took column 'a', and added 1 to it.

If you search for def reuse_series_implementation, you'll see that that's all expressions do in Narwhals - they just keep rigorously applying the definition of expression.

It may look like there should be significant overhead to doing it this way - but really, it's just a few Python calls which get unwinded. From timing tests I've done, there's no detectable difference - in fact, because the Narwhals API guards against misusing the pandas API, it's likely that running pandas via Narwhals will in general be more efficient than running pandas directly.

Further attempts at demistifying Narwhals, refactoring code so it's clearer, and explaining this section better are 110% welcome.

Polars and other implementations

Other implementations are similar to the above: they define their own Narwhals-compliant objects. So, all-in-all, there are a couple of layers here:

  • nw.DataFrame is backed by a Narwhals-compliant Dataframe, such as:
    • narwhals._pandas_like.dataframe.PandasLikeDataFrame
    • narwhals._arrow.dataframe.ArrowDataFrame
    • narwhals._polars.dataframe.PolarsDataFrame
  • each Narwhals-compliant DataFrame is backed by a native Dataframe, for example:
    • narwhals._pandas_like.dataframe.PandasLikeDataFrame is backed by a pandas DataFrame
    • narwhals._arrow.dataframe.ArrowDataFrame is backed by a PyArrow Table
    • narwhals._polars.dataframe.PolarsDataFrame is backed by a Polars DataFrame

Each implementation defines its own objects in subfolders such as narwhals._pandas_like, narwhals._arrow, narwhals._polars, whereas the top-level modules such as narwhals.dataframe and narwhals.series coordinate how to dispatch the Narwhals API to each backend.

Mapping from API to implementations

If an end user executes some Narwhals code, such as"a") + 1)
then how does that get mapped to the underlying dataframe's native API? Let's walk through this example to see.

Things generally go through a couple of layers:

  • The user calls some top-level Narwhals API.
  • The Narwhals API forwards the call to a Narwhals-compliant dataframe wrapper, such as
    • PandasLikeDataFrame / ArrowDataFrame / PolarsDataFrame / ...
    • PandasLikeSeries / ArrowSeries / PolarsSeries / ...
    • PandasLikeExpr / ArrowExpr / PolarsExpr / ...
  • The dataframe wrapper forwards the call to the underlying library, e.g.:
    • PandasLikeDataFrame forwards the call to the underlying pandas/Modin/cuDF dataframe.
    • ArrowDataFrame forwards the call to the underlying PyArrow table.
    • PolarsDataFrame forwards the call to the underlying Polars DataFrame.

The way you access the Narwhals-compliant wrapper depends on the object:

  • narwhals.DataFrame and narwhals.LazyFrame: use the ._compliant_frame attribute.
  • narwhals.Series: use the ._compliant_series attribute.
  • narwhals.Expr: call the ._to_compliant_expr method, and pass to it the Narwhals-compliant namespace associated with the given backend.

🛑 BUT WAIT! What's a Narwhals-compliant namespace?

Each backend is expected to implement a Narwhals-compliant namespace (PandasLikeNamespace, ArrowNamespace, PolarsNamespace). These can be used to interact with the Narwhals-compliant Dataframe and Series objects described above - let's work through the motivating example to see how.

import narwhals as nw
from narwhals._pandas_like.namespace import PandasLikeNamespace
from narwhals._pandas_like.utils import Implementation
from narwhals._pandas_like.dataframe import PandasLikeDataFrame
from narwhals.utils import parse_version, Version
import pandas as pd

pn = PandasLikeNamespace(

df_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})
df = nw.from_native(df_pd)"a") + 1)

The first thing does is to parse each input expression to end up with a compliant expression for the given backend, and it does so by passing a Narwhals-compliant namespace to nw.Expr._to_compliant_expr:

pn = PandasLikeNamespace(
expr = (nw.col("a") + 1)._to_compliant_expr(pn)
PandasLikeExpr(depth=1, function_name=col->__add__, )
If we then extract a Narwhals-compliant dataframe from df by calling ._compliant_frame, we get a PandasLikeDataFrame - and that's an object which we can pass expr to!

df_compliant = df._compliant_frame
result =

We can then view the underlying pandas Dataframe which was produced by calling ._native_frame:

0  2
1  3
2  4
which is the same as we'd have obtained by just using the Narwhals API directly:

print(nw.to_native("a") + 1)))
0  2
1  3
2  4


Group-by is probably one of Polars' most significant innovations (on the syntax side) with respect to pandas. We can write something like

df: pl.DataFrame
df.group_by("a").agg((pl.col("c") > pl.col("b").mean()).max())
To do this in pandas, we need to either use GroupBy.apply (sloooow), or do some crazy manual optimisations to get it to work.

In Narwhals, here's what we do:

  • if somebody uses a simple group-by aggregation (e.g. df.group_by('a').agg(nw.col('b').mean())), then on the pandas side we translate it to
    df: pd.DataFrame
    df.groupby("a").agg({"b": ["mean"]})
  • if somebody passes a complex group-by aggregation, then we use apply and raise a UserWarning, warning users of the performance penalty and advising them to refactor their code so that the aggregation they perform ends up being a simple one.

In order to tell whether an aggregation is simple, Narwhals uses the private _depth attribute of PandasLikeExpr:

print((pn.col("a") + 1).mean())
PandasLikeExpr(depth=1, function_name=col->mean, )
PandasLikeExpr(depth=2, function_name=col->__add__->mean, )

For simple aggregations, Narwhals can just look at _depth and function_name and figure out which (efficient) elementary operation this corresponds to in pandas.